An object refers to a real-world entity, such as a pen, chair, or table. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a methodology or paradigm for designing programs using classes and objects. It simplifies software development and maintenance by introducing several key concepts:
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Unit - 1
Introduction to C++: Key concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - Advantages of OOP - Object-Oriented Languages - Input/Output (I/O) in C++ - C++ Declarations.
Control Structures: Decision-Making Statements: if, else, goto, break, continue, switch-case
Loops in C++: for, while, do
Functions in C++: Inline functions, Function Overloading
Unit - 2
Classes and Objects: Declaring Objects - Defining Member Functions - Static Member Variables and Functions - Array of Objects - Friend Functions - Overloading Member Functions - Bit Fields and Classes - Constructors and Destructors with Static Members.
Operator Overloading: Overloading Unary and Binary Operators - Overloading Friend Functions - Type Conversion.
Inheritance: Types of Inheritance: Single, Multilevel, Multiple, Hierarchical, Hybrid, Multipath Inheritance - Virtual Base Classes - Abstract Classes.
Pointers: Declaration of Pointers - Pointers to Classes and Objects - this Pointer - Pointers to Derived and Base Classes.
Arrays: Characteristics and Array of Classes - Memory Models - new and delete Operators - Dynamic Objects - Binding, Polymorphism, and Virtual Functions.
Files: File Stream Classes - File Modes - Sequential Read/Write Operations - Binary and ASCII Files - Random Access Operations.
Templates: Exception Handling.
String Handling: Declaring and Initializing String Objects - String Attributes - Miscellaneous String Functions.
Note: Use these E-Notes for your Semester Exam only.
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